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Zyon (he/him) is a digital artist/graphic designer with over 8 years of digital design experience & over 3 years of photography experience. He is skilled in videography & photography as well. He specializes in brand development and design. He is self-taught and formally educated. He also owns, operates and designs for his own apparel brand, RUUM.




Vee L. (she/her) is the owner of the acclaimed natural skincare line 9thSylo, a brand designed by the artist from formula to federal requirements to branding strategies. Vee is a designer who studied at the Art Institute in NYC with infamous artist and instructors who helped to mold her style of juxtaposed abstracts with high end visuals for global industries, primarily in the training and development sectors. Bringing art to your ideas is the focal point of this artist, as well as taking your business into the future with visuals that retain the interest of your existing users and clients and invite new ones with branding that matches your vision.

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